
I’m Stephanie Dunson, PhD, former Director of Writing Programs at Williams College. I now serve as an independent writing coach to faculty at some of the nation’s top colleges and universities. From my 20 plus years as an expert in academic writing process and practice, I know faculty are generally the most underserved writers on any college campus. But I’m determined to change that.

My aim in making this podcast is to help you name your challenges and make adjustments that will allow you to develop a writing routine that is sustainable and meaningful. Writing is a complex process; different writers struggle with different problems, and different projects present different challenges. One fix can’t address every need. So I want to provide you with a collection of tools you can apply as you need them, if you need them. In the episodes to follow, I’ll discuss what in my experience are the 100 most common writing challenges faculty members face. Many are unique to academics, but most will be familiar to writers of all stripes.

In each episode, I’ll discuss one mistake that might been standing in your way, and then I’ll present proven fixes that you can adapt to your particular writing routine. I’ll keep things short and sweet so you can gather what you need quickly and get back to work.